Ethiopian Re held its Second Annual General Meeting and First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders’

Ethiopian Re held its Second Annual General Meeting and First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders’ on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 from 8:00 am, for half day, at the Hilton Addis conference room, in accordance with the provisions of articles 418 & 419 of the Commercial Code of Ethiopia, 1960, Insurance Corporate Governance Directive No.SIB/42/2015 of National Bank of Ethiopia and Article 9 and 10 of the Company’s Articles of Association, to deliberate on the following agenda items:

  • To consider and approve the agenda items of the meeting;
  • To hear and approve the Company’s annual report by the BOD;
  • To hear and approve the accounts for the year ended 30th June,2017 and receive the external auditors report thereon;
  • Election for replacement of Board Director (1 individual member);
  • To appoint the Company’s external auditors and fix their remuneration;
  • To note and approve remuneration for BOD;
  • To elect Board nomination committee members and fix their fee; and
  • Approval of minutes of the meeting.

The following issues were also covered by the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders:

  • To consider and approve the agenda items of the meeting;
  • To consider and approve amendment of Memorandum of Association of the Company;
  • To consider and approve amendment of Articles of Association of the Company; and
  • Approval of the extraordinary minutes of the meeting.